January 2, 2012

Making the Switch - Blogger to WordPress.

I suppose this is an official statement of sorts, as well as an impromptu and unbiased voice of reason regarding Blogger and WordPress platforms.  You see, I'm here to say that The Grammarian's Reviews will be switching to WordPress.

I know Blogger users are asking Why? and What's wrong with Blogger? and What's so great about WordPress? And I'm here to answer those questions:

While blogging is fun, I've always felt the need to treat it in a professional manner. I want TGR to reflect this sense of professionalism; I want TGR to take the next step. While 500 followers may not seem like a big deal, I do think it's a step in the right direction.  TGR can continue to grow, and I want it to be able to do so.

What's wrong with Blogger?
I'd be lying if I said nothing was wrong with Blogger. The truth of the matter is that I've been using Blogger for over a year now and have become comfortable with its design, posting and dashboard elements. Any bumps that come along in the road I've always blown off with a nice Twitter-rant session. At the end of the day, Blogger was still the Blogger I knew well and that was good enough for me. 

But thinking back on it, Blogger has been problematic. From posting to commenting troubles, I've had my fair share of freak outs over the complications.

What's so great about WordPress?
In all honesty, I'm still figuring out the answer to this one. It's a learning process. After asking around on Twitter, a lot of the responses said WordPress has better SEO.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization = "the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines." (thanks, Wiki!)

What does this mean? It means WordPress improves the chances of your blog showing up in results on search engines like Yahoo or Google. Which means your blog may stand out against others, which also means more readers and notoriety.

I don't know about you, but it sounds like a sweet deal to me.

But SEO is only one of the great things about WordPress. After playing around on a test account I discovered several nifty features, including a Copy Post option (which would be awesome for memes), easy widget tabs and areas, and a Links tab to compile all the links you may use on a day-to-day basis on your blog. I'm also a fan of the way it tracks comments and provides site feedback.

I could sit here all day and try to tell you the pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, I think it's best for you to take the time to explore WordPress on your own. Even if you're entirely lost from the moment you sign up.  Click around.  Read the "Help" tabs.  And most importantly, don't be afraid. I know a lot of bloggers, myself included, express fear over making the switch.  Nobody wants to lose all of the sweat and tears that have gone into the making of their blog. But there's nothing to be afraid of. There are guides all over the net to guide you in the exporting/importing process. And the best part? You can import your blog to WordPress and not lose any of the content that's already on Blogger, so the move can be slow and steady.

I hope these answers clear up some of the confusion pertaining to making the switch from Blogger to WordPress. If they don't and you still have some questions, feel free to ask in the comments or on Twitter (@thegramsreviews) and I'll do my best to help or just give a fresh perspective.  Just keep in mind that I'm not a WordPress pro; much of what I've discovered has been through my own exploring and help from my good blogger friend, Amanda.


  1. YAYAY! I've been saying I'm making the switch for about a year now. And I'm actually going to do it. For work I've been using WP and I just LOVE it so much more. It works better for what I want and need. I'm so excited! Are you doing it yourself? I'm nervous as hell!

  2. I think it's great that you decided to write up this post. It's funny because I've been debating the switch for a while now. We'll see if it ever happens for my book blog, but I'm definitely doing it with my personal blog :)

  3. I hope to do this sometime this year, too. My big hold out is that I recently paid for a redesign that I don't think will easily switch to WP. I need to contact Tawni to figure that out.

    I'm also thinking about self-hosting, but I have to figure that out, too. Wishing you luck on the transfer and I will probably have some questions in the future!

  4. @Jamie: I've been saying I'm going to make switch for a loooooong while, too. Haha. I've always chickened out. But I figure now is better than never. I am doing it myself, with the help of some WP-loving blogger friends. :P But yea, I'm nervous. Mainly about getting everything situated. The test import worked well, though. So that eased a lot of my fears.

    @Alexa: Hope the switch goes well for you!

  5. I like WP better too. While the themes and site designing are limited, I really do like the site feedback (and the yearly feedback with fireworks! haha) they provide. They've recently started allowing html in the sidebar too which is great for GR widgets and all. Tell me if I can be of any help.

  6. I need to make a post about wp.com and post pictures of what the dashboard and stuff looks like. That, and I probably should just make myself available for people to ask me questions. I've been on WP for almost three years now.

  7. I'm glad you posted about this because I have been hearing a TON about people switching from Blogger to Wordpress. I pulled up the site and chickened out on signing up and looking around. I was just paranoid and unsure, but after reading this I'm going to sign up and browse around for awhile to see if it will work well for my blog. Thanks for the info! :)

  8. I started on WP and then switched to Blogger, where I've been for the last year. I, too, have debated going back over to WP and I think I may do it, though I just paid for a custom design. Maybe I'll do the self-hosted version, though I need to do more research into how much HTML/CSS knowledge I need for that!

  9. I think it would be like this. While the themes and site designing are limited, I really do like the site feedback they provide. So it will be done this way.

  10. Wishing you the best of luck with your new blog! When will you start posting there regularly?



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