I'm proud to say The Grammarian's Reviews has a new home (click! click!). And it's quite beautiful, all thanks to Cialina. I never thought switching from Blogger to WordPress would be so easy, but aside from some very minor setbacks the transition has been painlessly smooth.
And let me just say that I'm already in love with WordPress and its features. Really, guys. Things are much more seamless over there. Editing is so much easier, updates are quicker, and importing took a matter of seconds. Remember when I wasn't 100% sure about the switch? Well, I'm here to say that I'm sold. I wish I'd made the move sooner, actually. You never know what you're missing until you gather up the nerve to try.
Things are still a bit rocky as I get settled over there, but please take the time to go and subscribe to my feed. It's also best if you leave all comments over there, too. Any comments made here now will not show over at WordPress.
This blog will still be available to view, but mainly to redirect visitors and old followers to the new site:
Thanks for sticking with me, guys. I hope you'll continue to do so.
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